Evangelist Cameron Rowe

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

At the End

 At the End

As the world spins out of control,
I say, fear not and be steadfast,
Look up, your redemption draweth nigh.
Lo’ it appear evil is taking over
I am firmly in control.
Even when the heavens and
the earth shall pass away,
I am the same yesterday,
today and forever.
Nothing can pluck you from my hand.
I know not time nor space nor iniquity.
Even though I wore a crown of thorns,
I wore it proudly as some of you will.
For those that surrendered fully
paradise will be sweet like my undying love.
You were chosen of the many that were called.
You are my bride,
and kings and ministers unto Me.
The road has been long and narrow
and I have carried you far.
It’s just a little further.
As the stars fall from heaven,
the earth quakes and the seas roar,
keep your eyes on me and the storm
will never overtake you.
I came as the Lamb,
and soon I come as the Groom
to meet you in the clouds
before I come as the Lion
of the Tribe of Judah
to judge the living and the dead.
Satan is a mere fly
in the eye of My hurricane.
He was defeated at the Cross.
I hold planets in the palm of my
nail pierced hands.
I feed the birds of the sky,
so how much more do I value my Bride?
I am the Word, and I am God
And nothing was made without Me.
I pick the foolish to confound the wise.
I am Jesus the Christ.
I am your Husband and the King of kings.

 Cameron Rowe, 5-11-2021

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